JJWM Game Kit #2

Game Kit #2 has been released.

With the release of this game kit for the Junion Jiffy World Maker, you now have unlimited access to lava, slime, and most important cut shadows.

If you have not completed work with Game Kit #1 you will need to do that before moving on to this kit. The foundation provided by GK1 is required for GK2 and you are expected to have worked with the lessons in GK1 before attempting this kit. You owe it to yourself to approach world making in a way that works. And, that would be making your way through the game kits one by one.

In Game Kit #2 includes:

  • Enhanced shadow tile.
  • Slime and Lava textures added to main tile set
  • Slime and Lava entities for use in gaming.
  • H added to keyboard controls to toggle Heads Up Display.
  • M added to keyboard controls to toggle Music on and off.